Monday, 11 November 2019

The Great Drain Game

Hey Guys! It's Rowena (RowRow). Today we went to The Drain Game. We learned about the sea and water and where it goes. We had three activities that we did.

Number 1. VR/ Wetlands talk, We but on headphones and a VR on us and looked around us. We saw land animals and sea animals! We had a wetlands talk, we talked about what is a wetland and what it has. What I learnt was what animals is in the closet part of the ocean. They showed how people filter the dirty water. They had the soil on a big plasitc bottle and and grass then added the dirty water in it and it was coming through the grass and it was it was a bit cleaner.

Number 2. Caravan activitiy, We went to the caravan and looked around, we had to get a bottle and look at the tag for example rain water, where does rain water go? The answer is a "drain" We put the bottle beside the fake drain and use the water spray thing and spray it in the fake drain and the "rain water" would go in the ocean. If you got the fake urine/ wee you would have to put it beside the toilet seat and use water spray again and it would go in the fake water waste treatment plant. That is what we did, what we learnt was which thing go into.

Number 3. Location of drains in our school, We had to pair up or go in a group of three and use a school map and find drains and mark it on the map. That is what we did, what I learnt was there is differant kind of drains some ar for toilet water and rain water and swimming water and other things.

Here are some pictures!


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